骨灰殿 Columbarium
富贵世外桃源 (世毛月)
《 世外桃源 》(士毛月) 乃一座现代化设计和全方位规划的墓园 , 更是原有富贵山庄香兰之 5 % 的秋菊 , 其特点是以现代化和艺术化为主 , 山庄内部所有规划皆具系统和现代化。《 世外桃源 》 是富贵山庄累积了十多年经验之后 , 开拓的另一块墓园区 。墓园强调个性与艺术化, 并为墓园注入人性化的元素, 成为不朽的纪念殿堂。
总面积209 英亩的《 世外桃源》 , 距离富贵山庄仅2 公里, 地势连绵起伏, 形势气象万千, 从风水角度来看, 《 世外桃源》 是一块山峦起伏, 林海苍苍, 凉风习习而灵气流动的风水宝地, 是一块风水绝佳, 千年难求的上好地段。置身其中 , 您将会感受到自然的浩瀚和天地的无极 。倾向于园林式风格、 自然、 和谐与优雅气象的设计, 使这座《 世外桃源》 呈现出无极乐土的祥和境界。
富贵山庄《 世外桃源》 藏风聚气, 左青龙, 右白虎, 风水特佳, 往生者墓葬于此, 后代富裕, 世代康宁... 风水大师叶清海对富贵山庄《 世外桃源》 的上好风水赞不绝口。
目前, 《 世外桃源》 既有艺术墓园与主题陵园, 也有专区的基督徒墓园, 适合各宗教信徒使用。 《 世外桃源 》 的入口处 , 是以白鸽齐飞的造型迎宾 , 整个墓园的现代感非常郁浓 , 环境清幽宁静 , 墓园规划井然 , 是一块永恒追思的安息之地 。
Nirvana Memorial Garden (Semenyih)
Oriental Villa Columbarium
Nirvana Memorial Garden is just next to the existing Nirvana Memorial Park. Totaling 209 acres, the Nirvana Memorial Garden is a newly developed memorial park which is only 2 km away from Nirvana Memorial Park. It is an environmentally serene burial land blessed with great Fengshui, with contemporary design.
This all new memorial park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of a peaceful environment that has specific zones catering to Buddhists, Taoists and Christians. The current developed plan of Nirvana Memorial Garden includes an Artistic Garden, Theme Garden, Christian Memorial Garden and a Christian Columbarium. These integrated burial plots are located at and designed with tranquil settings.
Renown Fengshui Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai has high praises for Nirvana Memorial Garden - "Nirvana Memorial Garden, a piece of good Fengshui land gathers wind and energy, complemented by the "Green Dragon" on the left and "White Tiger" on the right. It is bound to bring good fortune and blessings for posterity.
Nirvana Memorial Garden, indeed a serene final resting ground.
Nirvana Memorial Garden is just next to the existing Nirvana Memorial Park. Totaling 209 acres, the Nirvana Memorial Garden is a newly developed memorial park which is only 2 km away from Nirvana Memorial Park. It is an environmentally serene burial land blessed with great Fengshui, with contemporary design.
This all new memorial park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of a peaceful environment that has specific zones catering to Buddhists, Taoists and Christians. The current developed plan of Nirvana Memorial Garden includes an Artistic Garden, Theme Garden, Christian Memorial Garden and a Christian Columbarium. These integrated burial plots are located at and designed with tranquil settings.
Renown Fengshui Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai has high praises for Nirvana Memorial Garden - "Nirvana Memorial Garden, a piece of good Fengshui land gathers wind and energy, complemented by the "Green Dragon" on the left and "White Tiger" on the right. It is bound to bring good fortune and blessings for posterity.
Nirvana Memorial Garden, indeed a serene final resting ground.