Wednesday, February 15, 2017

神主牌 Ancestra Tablet


在乡村地区经常可见人们不但在家供奉神主牌位或先人灵位,而且还按时祭拜行礼如仪.但在都市生活的朋友受到社区环境, 居家空间, 生活型态和紧凑作息的种种约束, 对于神祖与先人的供奉祭拜费煞苦心.


富贵山庄 信誉保证

富贵山庄被推崇为本邦殡葬之第一品牌,视提升华人殡葬文化水准为首要使命,不断投入大量人力,物力与巨资,致力研发符合时需的殡葬服务项目,我们以精良优质的专业规划,关怀备至的服务精神,以及ISO 9001:2008的国际品质认证,确保每位顾客,每个家庭对于慎终追远的美德实现.

富贵山庄 神主牌位

  • 将各尊神主牌位或先人灵位供奉于恢弘优雅的礼佛圣殿.
  • 供奉与祭拜空间内,规划有体贴入微的配套服务与舒适空调.
  • 牌位,灵位之供奉区域定时播放梵唱经文,飘送淡雅清香.
  • 追思祭拜所需之祭品,纸供,香花. . . 均可预订或现场采购.
  • 为顾全生殁两安,现场提供24小时保安及清洁管理服务.
  • 富贵山庄远眺龙脉连绵,受多位堪舆大师赞誉为福泽后世之风水宝地.

The practice of placing an ancestral tablet in a Chinese home has been passed down from generation to generation. The ancestral tablet forms the pivotal point of a household, reminding family members of their ancestors' existence and bonding the family unit together in a bloodline originating from time immemorial.
However, in recent years this age-old golden practice of remembrance, reverence and respect has been set aside due to the pressures of a fast city lifestyle, changing attitudes toward interior decoration and space limitation in modern homes. With this in mind, Nirvana is bringing about a revival of remembrance and commemoration through the presentation of the Nirvana Ancestral Tablet.
Fulfilling our duty towards filial piety. The simplicity of dedicating an Ancestral Tablet to your ancestors is now made possible with the introduction of this ritual made available by Nirvana Memorial Park.


Nirvana Memorial Park has been the hallmark for professional bereavement care service in the country. Driven by a zealous mission to upgrade the Chinese bereavement care standards, Nirvana has spent an immense effort, including human and financial resources, to undertake R & D on new avenues to improve bereavement care. Our endeavour has resulted in better quality products and the perpetual upgrading in services rendered.
Propelled by the sincere spirit of rendering bereavement care and the highest quality of professional service, coupled with the ISO 9001:2008 Certification award, Nirvana stands firm in ensuring clients 'Total Peace of Mind', which enables them to lead a fuller, happier life.


  • Luxurious & Elegant Memorial Hall to enshrine Ancestral Tablet.
  • Comfortable air-conditioned and cared-for environment.
  • Dedicated chanting of mantra at scheduled times and specific festivals.
  • Convenience for you and your family's visitation.
  • An embience of respect and reverence.
  • 24-hours security and proper maintenance.
  • Excellent fengshui.

For more information, please contact:

016-3316677 / 016-6397151